
Showing posts from February, 2019

Why I don't re-read books

I have been reading for as long as I can remember. It almost feels as if I was never actually taught how to read, I was just born knowing how and haven't put a book down since. But now, as the grand old age of 21 draws nearer, I realised I have never read the same book twice. Sure, there's the exception of compulsory reading for school (I'm pretty sure I've read Jane Eyre at least 4 times by now) but that's it. So why don't I like re-reading books? Where's the suspense? Whenever I consider re-reading a book, I quickly dismiss the idea because of the obvious ... I already know what's going to happen. Wouldn't that be boring? I don't think I would enjoy it as much the second time round if I knew what the big plot twist is going to be. It's not like I will be on the edge of my seat, hanging on to every last word. This is especially true with plot-driven stories that have a lack of world building and character development (like We Were L...

REVIEW: The Book of M by Peng Shepherd

Title: The Book of M Author: Peng Shepherd Rating: 3/5 I finished 'The Book of M' about a week ago now and have had enough time to fully form all my mixed feelings about it, so here's my (spoiler-y) review! I fell in love with the book as soon as I started reading it, but it got progressively harder to enjoy the more I stuck with it. And here's why. There wasn't nearly enough world building. I would have actually preferred 'The Book of M' to be split into two books if it meant we would get more world building in the first. There just wasn't enough explaining - the whole way through I felt like there were gaps in my knowledge about the world when characters would mention something I was expected to have figured out on my own. It was kinda confusing. I know it's not good to spell everything out but at least give us a chance maybe ??? For example, I never understood how Ursula managed to get them out of the cage and into this new and i...

Bethany's bookshelf: currently-reading

The Martian
tagged: currently-reading
tagged: currently-reading