Why I don't re-read books
I have been reading for as long as I can remember. It almost feels as if I was never actually taught how to read, I was just born knowing how and haven't put a book down since. But now, as the grand old age of 21 draws nearer, I realised I have never read the same book twice. Sure, there's the exception of compulsory reading for school (I'm pretty sure I've read Jane Eyre at least 4 times by now) but that's it. So why don't I like re-reading books? Where's the suspense? Whenever I consider re-reading a book, I quickly dismiss the idea because of the obvious ... I already know what's going to happen. Wouldn't that be boring? I don't think I would enjoy it as much the second time round if I knew what the big plot twist is going to be. It's not like I will be on the edge of my seat, hanging on to every last word. This is especially true with plot-driven stories that have a lack of world building and character development (like We Were L...