
Showing posts from September, 2017

A Literary Reflection on First Year

Ah, September. We meet again. This time last year I was getting ready to start my first year at university studying Comparative Literature and French, full of excitement and nerves. Here I am in almost the exact same position except for the daunting prospect of second year ahead where everything actually counts towards my degree. First year was just a practice run. So, as my second year fast approaches, I thought why not reflect on the Comparative Literature part of my degree and talk about my favourite books I studied this year. Think of it as a whistle-stop ride through BA Comparative Literature - the ones worth reading from the modules I studied. First up: Childhood and Adolescence in Modern Fiction I chose this module on the basis that I recognised a couple of books on the reading list. I thought I'd treat myself by choosing a relatively easy module to begin with so to not stress me out too much on top of the whole university experience. 'Childhood and Adol...

REVIEW: The Maze Runner by James Dashner

Title: The Maze Runner Author: James Dashner My overall rating: 2.5/5 Get it here from Amazon First thoughts I asked for The Maze Runner  for Christmas years ago and it has been sitting on my bookshelf ever since. I'm not sure why but I never picked it up until now. I had just finished The Night Circus  and didn't have enough money to buy a brand new book so I decided to finally read it. I probably should have read it when I received it, I would have liked it a lot more back then. Good bits The Maze Runner 's main selling point was that fans of The Hunger Games  would like it. Personally I disagree with that method but hey ho, I guess it worked. I never finished The Hunger Games , I only read the first few chapters or so which is probably why I thought the story line for The Maze Runner was really cool. If I had read The Hunger Games before, I would have probably thought it was a massive rip off. Nevertheless, The Maze Runner  was something I had n...

Mystery Blogger Award

Sam @ Tsundoku  has kindly nominated me for the Mystery Blogger Award. Thank you, Sam! This award was originally created by Okoto Enigmas Blog  to create a new community for bloggers which I'm totally for. Okay, now lets actually do the tag. Rules Put the award logo/image on your blog Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well List the rules Tell your readers 3 things about yourself Share a link to your best post(s) Answer the 5 questions set to you by the person who nominated you Nominate 10 - 20 people Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with at least one weird or funny question Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog Three things about me I think it's safe to say that 'I love books' is pretty obvious, so I'll try to include other things. I bake a lot Within the last 5 or 10 years or so I have started to really enjoy baking all sort...

Bethany's bookshelf: currently-reading

The Martian
tagged: currently-reading
tagged: currently-reading