A Literary Reflection on First Year

Ah, September. We meet again. This time last year I was getting ready to start my first year at university studying Comparative Literature and French, full of excitement and nerves. Here I am in almost the exact same position except for the daunting prospect of second year ahead where everything actually counts towards my degree. First year was just a practice run. So, as my second year fast approaches, I thought why not reflect on the Comparative Literature part of my degree and talk about my favourite books I studied this year. Think of it as a whistle-stop ride through BA Comparative Literature - the ones worth reading from the modules I studied. First up: Childhood and Adolescence in Modern Fiction I chose this module on the basis that I recognised a couple of books on the reading list. I thought I'd treat myself by choosing a relatively easy module to begin with so to not stress me out too much on top of the whole university experience. 'Childhood and Adol...