HALLOWEEN REVIEW: The Girl With All the Gifts by M. R. Carey

Title: The Girl With All the Gifts Author: M. R. Carey Rating: 5/5 It's officially spooky season! As soon as October came around I knew I wanted to read something to fit the theme of Halloween, so I chose 'The Girl With All the Gifts'. And guess what? I loved it. The very first time I pick it up I read over 100 pages in one sitting, which is very rare for me. Usually I read 30-50 pages and get bored (because the first few chapters of books are never the most thrilling), but I was hooked from the start. However, I read it just before bed and ended up having the most terrifying zombie dream - heart palpitations and all. Secretly loved it, though. So yeah, I feel like I need to preface this review by saying that I love all things zombie related so surprise surprise this will be pretty positive. Overall, I enjoyed this book so much mainly because the concept is so refreshing and not like anything I have personally read or seen before! When I first started re...